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Which Province is Best for Canada PR for International Students in 2020/21 ?

Many international students end up loving Canada and want to stay after graduation. There is an opportunity for international students on a student visa to obtain Canadian Permanent Residency after graduation.

But the question is where to move to get Canadian PR. Any province can be easy to get PR if you fulfil all the requirements, but somehow it's not easy to fulfil the requirements specially job-offer requirement. But good news is that there are few PNP streams that don't require job-offer letter.These immigration pathways are tailored to meet the specific needs of each province and are intended for a particular category of immigrants, be they skilled, unskilled, entrepreneur or international students.

  1. You don’t have a job offer

  • The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)Human Capital Priorities stream is one of the more popular options for those without a job offer. The human capital category has two sub-categories, the international graduate streams and Ontario’s Express Entry streams.International graduates. To qualify under the Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate streams, you must have a graduate degree from an eligible Ontario university and apply within two years of getting your degree.

Masters Graduate stream

PhD Graduate stream

A job-offer is not required. however, work experience to be considered and invited to apply to this stream.

  • The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) is another option for international applicants without a job offer. There are two active streams right now which doesn't require job-offer letter. The first is the Saskatchewan Express Entry-linked stream, which does, however, require one having an active profile in the federal Express Entry system in order to apply. The second is the Saskatchewan Occupation In-Demand stream, which does not have this requirement. However, applicant has to fulfil the labour requirement and you need at-least one year of related job experience.

  • The Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) is one of Canada’s most extensive and innovative provincial nominee programs.Physicians Stream requires a job offer (specifically, as a physician from a Nova Scotia Health Authority), the Nova Scotia Demand; Nova Scotia Experience; and Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities (other than Physicians) do not require applicants to have job offers.

2. You speak French

Outside of the French-speaking province of Quebec, there are other PNPs that call for francophone or bilingual applicants. The OINP’s Express Entry-linked French-Speaking Skilled Worker allows the province to search the Express Entry pool for candidates who are French-speaking skilled workers

3. If you are a tech worker.

Two of the most notable PNP pathways for tech workers are those operated by the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia.Ontario conducts dedicated “Tech draws” within the Ontario Express Entry-linked Human Capital Priority Stream. Such as Computer Engineer, web designer. No job offer required.

4. If You have experience in the province or territory.

Many PNPs have streams that benefit individuals with experience in the province or territory.The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) Skilled Worker in Manitoba and Skilled Worker Overseas streams both privilege people who have worked in Manitoba as well as have an educational experience. Within its International Education stream, Manitoba also has three distinct sub-streams for individuals who studied or graduated from Manitoba post-secondary institutions.

In conclusion, PNPs are one of the best ways to obtain PR in Canada if your express entry scores are not enough or if you are getting trouble to get Job offer letter.

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